Asian Canberra Prints

**Please note, all prints are currently unavailable. However if you wish to commission a piece of digital profile art for PDF delivery, or licensed printing, please get in touch via the contact form.**

Canberra Experience profile artwork prints are printed on high quality matt stock at A3 size, or 11×17″ for USA customers. Please mark the appropriate checkbox for the size you want. Custom requests can be made in addition to the prints offered below – please use the contact form below if you’d like to request one.

Standard prints are $8 USD and custom prints are $12 USD. Prints are shipped in a strong poster tube, and shipping varies by location. Typically shipping to the USA is $3 and international $14. I will send you the total price once I receive your order. Payments are made securely via PayPal and all major credit cards are accepted.

This print depicts 53-3938 as she appeared serving with 7 Sqn at Mauripur Air Base, Pakistan in the late 1960s.
This print depicts IF901 as she appeared serving with 106 Sqn at Agra Air Force Station, India in 2001.
If you would like to request a specific variant or serial number/squadron markings, please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible, and I will let you know if it is possible. Please include what size and if you would like print signed. Custom orders cost $12 before shipping.
If you would like to request multiple copies of prints, or have a specific message you'd like with your signature, please let me know here.