USAF/ANG B-57 Canberra Prints

**Please note, all prints are currently unavailable. However if you wish to commission a piece of digital profile art for PDF delivery, or licensed printing, please get in touch via the contact form.**

Canberra Experience profile artwork prints are printed on high quality matt stock at A3 size, or 11×17″ for USA customers. Please mark the appropriate checkbox for the size you want. Custom requests can be made in addition to the prints offered below – please use the contact form below if you’d like to request one.

Standard prints are $8 USD and custom prints are $12 USD. Prints are shipped in a strong poster tube, and shipping varies by location. Typically shipping to the USA is $3 and international $14. I will send you the total price once I receive your order. Payments are made securely via PayPal and all major credit cards are accepted.

This print depicts 52-1519 as she appeared serving with the 158th DSEG at Burlington ANGB in the mid-1970s.
This print depicts 52-1569 as she appeared serving with Joint Task Force 7 at Eniwetok Atoll in 1956.
This print depicts 53-3973 as she appeared serving with the Wright Air Development Center at Wright-Patterson AFB in 1963.
This print depicts 53-3906 as she appeared serving with the 8th TBS at Da Nang AFB, South Vietnam in 1966.
This print depicts 52-1490 as she appeared serving with the 154th TRS at Little Rock ANGB, Arkansas in the early 1960s.
This print depicts 52-1507 as she appeared serving with the 13th TBS at Phan Rang AFB, South Vietnam in 1968.
This print depicts 52-1536 as she appeared serving with the 154th TRS at Little Rock ANGB, Arkansas, in the late 1950s.
If you would like to request a specific variant or serial number/squadron markings, please fill out the form below with as much detail as possible, and I will let you know if it is possible. Please include what size and if you would like print signed. Custom orders cost $12 before shipping.
If you would like to request multiple copies of prints, or have a specific message you'd like with your signature, please let me know here.